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End-User security

Protect your business from the inside-out

Envisage and Implement a holistic enterprise-wide security posture with our expertise in cybersecurity products, consulting, and service offerings

The need and advantage of globalization and remote working have exposed the end-users to numerous security risks. Today, organizations face this in the form of stolen or disguised identity, phishing attacks, malware attacks, browser security, etc.

After opting for a ready solution from the advertised security applications and tools, we have seen organizations coming to iValue for it still left enough security gaps. Though these tools might be popular and widely used, they would not suit your organizational security needs at all. iValue helps you evaluate your business needs to establish your security needs and create a security plan. We help you choose the right tools and implement them based on our expert professionals’ assessments.

Today organizations face several issues due to their numerous employees located globally. There is no single tool to secure your organization from multiple security risks originating from the situation. iValue understands that Identity and Access Management is not one tool solution, and consequently, our approach is to consider it as a framework.

iValue’s IAM services secure your organization by providing digital authentications such as online security, SSO, or physical authentication such as biometrics, etc. We fool-proof your employees’ computers against vulnerabilities such as password recovery attacks and assist them in working efficiently by providing them access to the particular applications and tools, limited to the extent of their individual roles. We manage your user identities and authenticate them against data sensitivity before authorizing access to it. We do not stop at that – our zero-trust policy constantly monitors your organizational data’s users and access points.

Where organizations deal with end-point security for their employees in general, the specific privileged employees still remain a security risk to the organization. Privileged employees with rights to privileged data and systems require a set of security measures. Generally, these users are seniors or experts of any organization and require more flexible security measures.

iValue will set up a robust PAM for your organization to allow your experts to freely operate and pass-through various applications, databases, and networks without interruption while securing your data by controlling, monitoring, securing, and auditing in the background. We understand that all industry experts work in a distinctive capacity and shield your infrastructure with our customizable PAM solution and tools to prevent cyber-attacks.

As an organization, you would implement IAM and PAM solutions with us. IAM and PAM will help control and audit your organizational logins and credentials given to your employees. 

However, these same employees can unknowingly expose your organization to a cyber-attack by using personal emails or logging into any website via office computers. It is not an unknown scenario, and we will help you shield your data and systems by implementing a Cloud Identity or Identity as a Service (IDaaS). We will create a cloud identity for your employees, thus reinforcing your IAM and PAM protection.

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