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	<title>krishnarajsharma &#8211; iValue Sri Lanka</title>
		<pubDate>Fri, 25 Mar 2022 19:55:59 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Multi Factor Authentication]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://ivaluegroup.com/en-gl/?p=9298</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Data security and data privacy are two ongoing issues of prime concern for every organization. Data breaches are known to incur huge losses to organizations. According to Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, credential theft, social attacks, and errors cause over 67 percent of data breaches. Personal data accounts for 58 percent of the total breaches. &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href="https://ivaluegroup.com/en-lk/blogs/modern-multi-factor-authentication-for-your-organization/"> <span class="screen-reader-text">MODERN MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION</span> Read More »</a></p>]]></description>
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			<style>/*! elementor - v3.20.0 - 26-03-2024 */
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According to <a href="https://enterprise.verizon.com/resources/executivebriefs/2020-dbir-executive-brief.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report</a>, credential theft, social attacks, and errors cause over 67 percent of data breaches. Personal data accounts for 58 percent of the total breaches.</p><p>The pandemic exposed organizations to increased security risks. The overnight move to remote working, unsecured endpoints and increased use of personal networks and devices have gained the attention of malicious players. We now live in a world where just a password is not enough to secure sensitive information at an organizational or user level. Over 81 percent of hacking-related data breaches are password-related, according to Verizon. What can organizations do to secure their data better?</p><p><strong>The move to modern authentication protocols</strong></p><p>Microsoft defines modern authentication as “an umbrella term for a combination of authentication and authorization methods between a client (for example, your laptop or your phone) and a server, as well as some security measures that rely on access policies that you may already be familiar with.” It is a set of different protocols that aim to improve cloud security. Some examples of modern authentication protocols include Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Web Services Federation (WD-Federation or WS-Fed), and OAuth.</p><p>Modern authentication steps away from a password-centric authentication to a token-based approach to govern access to every user and resource. The tokens can be defined based on user location, device, role, etc. For instance, Microsoft users are authenticated via their Office 365 identity and is extensible to other third-party applications.</p><p><strong>Is modern authentication required for MFA?</strong></p><p>The password-centric era may soon be coming to an end. With technologies such as Seamless Sign-On and password-less authentication by Yubico, Entrust, Google or Microsoft – the need for passwords is virtually eliminated. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a subset of modern authentication. It provides an additional layer of security for the entire organization by validating users based on location, device, biometrics, hardware/software tokens, one-time passwords, IP ranges, and much more. It helps improve business security by:</p><ul><li><strong>Enforcing policy-based granular access</strong></li></ul><p>For most organizations, MFA is an essential security default enforced for every user. It helps organizations in enabling conditional access/authentication policies that are based on contextual factors, role, device, location, etc. MFA allows organizations to define access policies that can be granular, configurable, and specific control rules. The granular-level security limits access to users, ensuring the right people get access to the right tools.</p><ul><li><strong>Providing consistent access security</strong></li></ul><p>The traditional office environment includes on-premises secure networks and systems that mitigate data risks. But the recent proliferation of cloud applications has left organizations wondering how to extend the same level of security (as on-premises) to their cloud applications. MFA makes access to cloud applications more secure and provides visibility across multiple applications.</p><ul><li><strong>Providing clear visibility into all devices</strong></li></ul><p>Remote work also translates to many unsecured endpoints getting added daily. Security teams require device-based security to increase device visibility while reducing the dependency on-premises tools. MFA enables and enforces device visibility from end-user devices.</p><ul><li><strong>Enabling better security protocols</strong></li></ul><p>Most security protocols are moving away from basic or legacy authentication methods. Legacy authentication is vulnerable to attacks raising compliance and safety concerns. Companies like Microsoft have disabled legacy authentications for all clients to support modern authentication methods. For modern MFA to be effective, organizations need to disable legacy authentication. Microsoft reports, “organizations that disabled authentication experienced 67 percent fewer compromises than that where legacy authentication was enabled.”</p><p>Security vulnerabilities are an ongoing battle for highly regulated industries such as banks, financial services, and healthcare. Organizations must understand the new norm is affecting every aspect of their operations. A new wave of inexperienced remote workers is still learning how to fit in a non-traditional workspace. While security training is a part of security administration, MFA would equip organizations with the required security blanket.</p></div></div>						</div>
		<pubDate>Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:14:29 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Data Protection]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Multi Factor Authentication]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://ivaluegroup.com/en-gl/blog/2022/03/25/modern-multi-factor-authentication-for-your-organization-2/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Data security and data privacy are two ongoing issues of prime concern for every organization. Data breaches are known to incur huge losses to organizations. According to Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report, credential theft, social attacks, and errors cause over 67 percent of data breaches. Personal data accounts for 58 percent of the total breaches. &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href="https://ivaluegroup.com/en-lk/blogs/modern-multi-factor-authentication-for-your-organization-2/"> <span class="screen-reader-text">MODERN MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION</span> Read More »</a></p>]]></description>
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							<p>Data security and data privacy are two ongoing issues of prime concern for every organization. Data breaches are known to incur huge losses to organizations. According to <a href="https://enterprise.verizon.com/resources/executivebriefs/2020-dbir-executive-brief.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report</a>, credential theft, social attacks, and errors cause over 67 percent of data breaches. Personal data accounts for 58 percent of the total breaches.</p><p>The pandemic exposed organizations to increased security risks. The overnight move to remote working, unsecured endpoints and increased use of personal networks and devices have gained the attention of malicious players. We now live in a world where just a password is not enough to secure sensitive information at an organizational or user level. Over 81 percent of hacking-related data breaches are password-related, according to Verizon. What can organizations do to secure their data better?</p><p><strong>The move to modern authentication protocols</strong></p><p>Microsoft defines modern authentication as “an umbrella term for a combination of authentication and authorization methods between a client (for example, your laptop or your phone) and a server, as well as some security measures that rely on access policies that you may already be familiar with.” It is a set of different protocols that aim to improve cloud security. Some examples of modern authentication protocols include Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), Web Services Federation (WD-Federation or WS-Fed), and OAuth.</p><p>Modern authentication steps away from a password-centric authentication to a token-based approach to govern access to every user and resource. The tokens can be defined based on user location, device, role, etc. For instance, Microsoft users are authenticated via their Office 365 identity and is extensible to other third-party applications.</p><p><strong>Is modern authentication required for MFA?</strong></p><p>The password-centric era may soon be coming to an end. With technologies such as Seamless Sign-On and password-less authentication by Yubico, Entrust, Google or Microsoft – the need for passwords is virtually eliminated. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a subset of modern authentication. It provides an additional layer of security for the entire organization by validating users based on location, device, biometrics, hardware/software tokens, one-time passwords, IP ranges, and much more. It helps improve business security by:</p><ul><li><strong>Enforcing policy-based granular access</strong></li></ul><p>For most organizations, MFA is an essential security default enforced for every user. It helps organizations in enabling conditional access/authentication policies that are based on contextual factors, role, device, location, etc. MFA allows organizations to define access policies that can be granular, configurable, and specific control rules. The granular-level security limits access to users, ensuring the right people get access to the right tools.</p><ul><li><strong>Providing consistent access security</strong></li></ul><p>The traditional office environment includes on-premises secure networks and systems that mitigate data risks. But the recent proliferation of cloud applications has left organizations wondering how to extend the same level of security (as on-premises) to their cloud applications. MFA makes access to cloud applications more secure and provides visibility across multiple applications.</p><ul><li><strong>Providing clear visibility into all devices</strong></li></ul><p>Remote work also translates to many unsecured endpoints getting added daily. Security teams require device-based security to increase device visibility while reducing the dependency on-premises tools. MFA enables and enforces device visibility from end-user devices.</p><ul><li><strong>Enabling better security protocols</strong></li></ul><p>Most security protocols are moving away from basic or legacy authentication methods. Legacy authentication is vulnerable to attacks raising compliance and safety concerns. Companies like Microsoft have disabled legacy authentications for all clients to support modern authentication methods. For modern MFA to be effective, organizations need to disable legacy authentication. Microsoft reports, “organizations that disabled authentication experienced 67 percent fewer compromises than that where legacy authentication was enabled.”</p><p>Security vulnerabilities are an ongoing battle for highly regulated industries such as banks, financial services, and healthcare. Organizations must understand the new norm is affecting every aspect of their operations. A new wave of inexperienced remote workers is still learning how to fit in a non-traditional workspace. While security training is a part of security administration, MFA would equip organizations with the required security blanket.</p>						</div>
		<pubDate>Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:08:47 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[Data Protection]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Data Security]]></category>
		<category><![CDATA[Endpoint Protection]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://ivaluegroup.com/en-gl/blog/2022/03/25/multi-factor-authentication-for-the-new-banking-era/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[Over the last decade, the banking sector experienced tremendous digital growth, technological advancement, and globalization of services. But, it was over the past year that the banking sector realized the true power of digitalization . The new banking era witnessed overnight changes to business processes, functions, workforce, behaviour, and the evolving demands of new millennial &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href="https://ivaluegroup.com/en-lk/blogs/multi-factor-authentication-for-the-new-banking-era/"> <span class="screen-reader-text">MULTI-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION FOR THE NEW BANKING ERA</span> Read More »</a></p>]]></description>
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							<p>Over the last decade, the banking sector experienced tremendous digital growth, technological advancement, and globalization of services. But, it was over the past year that the banking sector realized the true power of digitalization . The new banking era witnessed overnight changes to business processes, functions, workforce, behaviour, and the evolving demands of new millennial customers and service delivery. The mass movement to remote working called for near-complete reliance on cloud services and infrastructure.</p><p>While digitalization has ensured busine ss continuity, the expanding digital ecosystem has rendered banks vulnerable to cyberattacks. According to a <a href="https://www.vmware.com/company/news/releases/vmw-newsfeed.Modern-Bank-Heists-Threat-Report-from-VMware-Carbon-Black-Finds-Dramatic-Increase-in-Cyberattacks-Against-Financial-Institutions-Amid-COVID-19.0ccd81eb-8142-40a2-9ce9-d77307f15961.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Carbon Black Inc</a>. report, attacks against the financial sector grew 238 percent due to COVID-19. The ‘unprecedented anomaly’ has forced banks to step up their remote security protocols. A vast majority of banks are moving towards multi-factor authentication (MFA). The additional layer of authentication requires a user to present two or more types of factors to access digital assets – such as online banking.</p><p><strong>Security priorities for banks</strong></p><p>The security challenges of remote working impede business productivity and continuity. Most large banking organizations have charted an adaptable plan providing necessary work devices, bandwidth, and VPN licenses with basic authentication for operations. The current focus is on establishing operational compliance in a remote setting.</p><ul><li><strong>Securing the endpoints</strong></li></ul><p>Within a bank’s on-premise secure network, the risks of data breaches are limited. But in the case of remote workstations securing endpoints is an ongoing challenge for IT teams. With over 70 percent of breaches occurring at endpoints, enterprise priority is to secure endpoints.  MFA helps banks enforce an effective endpoint security approach by providing an additional security layer.</p><ul><li><strong>Implementing adaptive authentication process</strong></li></ul><p>Adaptive authentication processes the login details with the previously collected user profiles such as geographical location, registered devices, role, and more. Every login is evaluated with the collected data assigned risk scores to access. or instance, CyberArk’s adaptive MFA solution implements an adaptive authentication process through its MFA.  Its Idaptive cloud agents support MFA for boot screen and lock screens for Windows and macOS.</p><ul><li><strong>Incorporating AI and ML</strong></li></ul><p>AI and ML are providing much-needed breakthroughs to secure endpoints with MFA. AI constantly monitors user’s behaviour to detect a data breach. The outcomes received from the AI are used in ML algorithms to process/cleanse the authentication process further.  For example, CyberArk’s smart-MFA solution incorporates AI and ML to provide risk-aware, intelligent, and password-less identity assurance controls, thereby providing its users stream-lined, best authentication security cover.</p><p><img fetchpriority="high" decoding="async" src="https://ivaluegroup.com/en-gl/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Screenshot-2022-03-18-183453-1.png" alt="" width="734" height="429" /></p><ul><li><strong>Strong customer authentication</strong></li></ul><p>Banking regulations also play a role in driving MFA adoption. For instance, the new Payment Services Directive (PSD2) by the EU requires banks to implement a minimum of two-factor authentication systems. The directive states the need for strong customer authentication based on two or more elements – knowledge (something you know), possession (something you own), and inherence (something you are). Similarly, modern authentication standards such as Fast Identity Online (FIDO), FIDO2, and WebAuth require an MFA implementation.</p><p>Despite its benefits, MFA implementation is limited to certain applications and users only. Business leaders have cited high costs, lack of skills, and hindrance to user experience for its low implementation rate. With changing regulations, hybrid tech stacks, and an increase in fraudulent activities, banks require a holistic approach to implementing enterprise-wide MFA initiatives, says <strong>Mr. KrishnaRaj Sharma, Director &amp; CEO, iValue InfoSolutions</strong>. Implementing multiple sources of identity, physical keys, and a defined set of business rules is the emerging security best practice standard.</p>						</div>
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		<pubDate>Fri, 25 Mar 2022 06:03:05 +0000</pubDate>
		<category><![CDATA[digital work force]]></category>
		<guid isPermaLink="false">https://ivaluegroup.com/en-gl/blog/2022/03/25/powering-your-digital-workforce-dos-and-donts-for-the-next-normal/</guid>

					<description><![CDATA[The COVID-19 pandemic forever changed the face of business worldwide. From social distancing to work from home, employee safety and welfare was utmost priority as organizations embraced remote working. Overnight, companies had to quickly adapt to the changes, empower a digital workforce, and ensure business continuity. As the economy recovers, companies are shaking off their &#8230;<p class="read-more"> <a class="" href="https://ivaluegroup.com/en-lk/blogs/powering-your-digital-workforce-dos-and-donts-for-the-next-normal/"> <span class="screen-reader-text">POWERING YOUR DIGITAL WORKFORCE – DO’S AND DON’TS FOR THE NEXT NORMAL</span> Read More »</a></p>]]></description>
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							<p>The COVID-19 pandemic forever changed the face of business worldwide. From social distancing to work from home, employee safety and welfare was utmost priority as organizations embraced remote working. Overnight, companies had to quickly adapt to the changes, empower a digital workforce, and ensure business continuity. As the economy recovers, companies are shaking off their initial reaction and seeking proactive solutions to improve employee communication, collaboration, and productivity.</p><p>According to a global survey by <a href="https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/what-800-executives-envision-for-the-postpandemic-workforce" target="_blank" rel="noopener">McKinsey</a>, “a disruptive period of workplace changes lies ahead due to acceleration of automation, digitization, and other trends.” With the workplace set to change, how can companies be prepared to manage a growing digital workforce?</p><p><strong>Adopt the right strategy and right business process for your organization</strong></p><p>Going forward, companies must define a clear strategy and invest early in the digital workplace model. Most industries understand the benefits of a mobile-first user-centric application development. Digital workplaces are complex with multiple devices, networks, and business processes. Merging these disparate entities and their demands requires the right integration strategy in place. Organizations that follow the digital-first route have flourished with an IT environment that is integrated into the business processes.</p><p>Assess your current remote work strategies by asking:</p><ul><li>What elements of our digital workplace worked or didn’t work?</li><li>Are there new innovations or technology we can adopt?</li><li>What infrastructure would I need to ensure my business scales up?</li></ul><p><strong>Leverage the cloud in a remote working world</strong></p><p>The cloud is at the core of remote work. A well-integrated cloud infrastructure powers the philosophy of work from anywhere. Handling the surge of remote workers requires the management and understanding of infrastructure stress, bandwidth and network capacity, third-party software licenses, and the physical capacity of VPNs. Organizations must prioritize investing in virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI) to get the most out of their cloud.</p><p><strong>Secure all user devices</strong></p><p>The new dimension of work from home enterprises has come into play, augmenting the risk landscape involving people, technology, process, and regulations. According to a report from <a href="https://hbr.org/resources/pdfs/comm/verizon/RecreatingWorkAsABlendOfVirtualandPhysicalExperiences.pdf" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Verizon Business</a>, 35 percent of global companies see security concerns are a top barrier to digital workspaces. Whereas 86 percent says it is important to address data security to get the most out of their digital investments.</p><p>Managing identity at scale is a challenge for organizations. Ensuring security at all endpoints demands a highly available identity and access management (IDAM) capability. But with a proper IDAM in place, employees can focus on work without the worry of malicious players. Learn more on how to address security challenges with our webinar on &#8220;<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NzvX5p22VZU" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Demystifying security challenges</a>&#8220;, in partnership with Pavan Duggal Associates and Akamai Technologies.</p><p><strong>What’s next?</strong></p><p>The global pandemic accelerated the move to a digital working environment. Business leaders must learn from the present to future-proof their organizations from the next crisis. Work from home is here to stay! And digital workplaces are more than just work from home; it&#8217;s about mobility, agility, and scalability. Organizations must evaluate their business resilience plans to include this long-term change.</p><p>In a post-pandemic world, business leaders must delve into optimizing and transforming their traditional work structure. With <a href="https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/9-future-of-work-trends-post-covid-19/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">48 percent</a> of your workforce set to work remotely, organizations must look at automation and artificial intelligence solutions to simplify business processes. Working with a trusted technology/integration partner can help you select the right solution for your organization.</p>						</div>