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Application Services

Application Maintenance Services

Global operations translate into an always-on set of systems for businesses that need support to keep things going smoothly. At iValue, we recognize this need and have encapsulated our offering for business applications and systems as Maintenance or Business As Usual (BAU) services. Whether the applications themselves or the underlying infrastructure, our services aim to maintain your operations with the degree of availability and latency needed.
From monitoring applications to performing periodic performance tweaks and optimization and maintaining the applications and infrastructure with patches, updates, and upgrades where feasible, we help you remain focused on your core business.

Application Monitoring

As part of Application Monitoring Services, we install monitoring agents on the application infrastructure that helps configure the thresholds for monitoring alerts. These thresholds can be dynamically set based on observed trends or available data.
The objective of monitoring is to observe the alerts, correlate them against historical incidents and alerts, and take appropriate preventive or curative action. We typically integrate the monitoring agents with your IT Service Management tools to help standardize the support function.
Additionally, we perform periodic analysis of alert and incident data to help in dynamic thresholding to avoid disruptions to business as usual when the alert may not result in an incident.
Our offering extends to different industries and verticals within industries due to our experience with the OEMs supplying the underlying hardware and software and our expertise in providing support services. Our global operations are compliant with regional statutes and regulations such as PCI/DSS, HIPAA, GDPR, NIST, ISO9001, ISO27001, and of course, process and practices standards such as ITIL.

Performance Management

Application Performance Management is much more complex than the User Response Time. A User experience and response time are based on the performance of the back-end computations of an application.
Our Performance Management services enable your organization to continuously monitor and maintain your applications on both the front and back ends. We manage the User level metrics regarding Transactions Volume and Response Time. In addition, we also monitor and manage your applications’ computing capacity via load balancing and event correlation.
With the mix of our Performance Management services and ITSM based Problem Management techniques, we identify the possible hiccups in your applications and provide you with a solution to avoid repetitive occurrences.

Insights and Data

In today’s modern age of technology, progress is fast, and so is data accumulation. In the process, organizations gather any data that needs to be converted to something meaningful called ‘Information.’ Having said that, this data keeps changing frequently, it becomes difficult for organizations like yours to draw information from it.
Our Insights and Data experts work with your organization’s data to fetch information out of it. Our professionals then take it up a notch by drawing Insights via patterns and deviations from this information to help your organization minimize IT and business disruptions. With our Insights and Data services, your organization grows without losing the focus on your core business objective.

Digital Marketplace Solutions

As the world continues to be a smaller place than the year before, regional businesses are now facing a sink-or-sail moment as they take on the might of the global giants. At iValue, we see this as a David and Goliath opportunity where nimble and agile always trumps deeper pockets.
Our Digital Marketplace offering aims to help you take your business operations to where the customer wants them to be; from web and mobile apps integrations to third-party enablement, and omnichannel experiences, we help you get closest to your customer’s top-of-mind reference. Read More

Automation and AI

We see organizations mentioning the use of AI when in reality, these are separate. Automation uses Robotic Process Automation to substitute human efforts for fairly repetitive tasks while considering the known exceptions. Our Intelligent Automation Services will provide your organization with the assistance of our professionals to analyze and strategize the best operational-level automation, thus helping your teams utilize their time in the business tasks.
In addition, our Artificial Intelligence experts will build the machine learning AI techniques for your organization. Our AI experts will focus on activities that do not seem repetitive or usual to the naked eye. Our AI solutions focus on huge data that your organization will collect and analyze to study the organization’s behavior and pattern spanning not just a month or two but a year and more. In a nutshell, our AI services study your organization’s past to chart a better future!

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