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4 Ways a Cybersecurity Gap Assessment Can Help Reduce Your Business Risk

4 Ways a Cybersecurity Gap Assessment Can Help Reduce Your Business Risk

In today’s digital age, technology has become the backbone of every organization. As a result, IT & Cyber Security management is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. However, ensuring that your IT department is operating at its best can be challenging, especially with constant advancements in technology. This is where Gap Analysis comes in.

What is Gap Analysis?

Gap Analysis is a process of identifying the gaps between the current state of your IT process and the desired future state. It helps in understanding the distance between where a particular item stands and where it should be to better meet the organization’s needs. The process involves analyzing the current process hurdles that preclude reaching the desired goal, developing a plan to close the gap between the process’s current status and attainment of the desired goal, and reviewing the proposed gap analysis plan by members of the IT department and the business units responsible for the processes to be analyzed.

Why do we need Gap Analysis?

To effectively mitigate security risks, organizations must identify any gaps in their IT processes and Cyber Security. Gap analysis is a powerful tool that can significantly improve several areas of the IT function, making it an essential part of any security risk mitigation strategy.
Gap analysis is a straightforward and cost-effective process that can be completed quickly and efficiently, making it an ideal choice for organizations looking to mitigate security risks. It allows organizations to identify gaps in their IT processes and Cyber Security, and develop targeted solutions that address these gaps.
Moreover, gap analysis helps in verifying the process results, allowing organizations to test the validity of the approach before committing to more extensive work. This minimizes the risks associated with security risk mitigation and ensures that the process aligns with the organization’s security goals and objectives.
Additionally, gap analysis can be effectively applied to any area of the IT function, making it a versatile tool for enhancing security risk mitigation efforts. By identifying gaps and developing targeted solutions, organizations can ensure that their Cyber Security is robust and resilient, minimizing the risks associated with security breaches.
In summary, gap analysis is an essential tool for security risk mitigation, providing a straightforward and cost-effective process for identifying gaps in IT processes and Cyber Security. By developing targeted solutions, organizations can ensure that their Cyber Security is robust and resilient, minimizing the risks associated with security breaches.

How iValue can help?

iValue’s Gap Analysis Service is designed to help organizations identify the gaps in their IT process and Cyber Security. Our straightforward and cost-effective Gap Analysis process identifies gaps and offers solutions that are tailored to your organization’s specific needs. iValue utilizes a six-step process to ensure a comprehensive and effective solution is delivered.

Our six step process

The first step is to define the goal. The goal is the foundation for the rest of the exercise. It can be quantitative or qualitative, but it should align with the overarching business strategy or with your team’s improvement objectives. Once the goal is established, we move on to the next step.
In the second step, we gather data about your current state. We use the established goal as a lens to define your current state. This is where we do some research by reading your organization’s documentation of a process, interviewing the people involved, or observing workflows, processes, etc.
The third step is to describe your desired future state. Here, we create a column labeled “Future State” and describe the desired future state. Again, this can be defined with either quantitative or qualitative metrics.
In the fourth step, we analyze the gap. We look at what we have defined for the current and future states, then identify the differences. Specifically, we identify the gap and what is causing the gap.
The fifth step is to brainstorm solutions. We create a column labeled “Possible Next Steps” and write down possible ways to close the gap between your current and future states. We don’t worry too much about the effectiveness of each solution we come up with – we’ll analyze them in the next step.
Finally, in the sixth step, we narrow down the solutions. We evaluate each solution, considering the pros and cons of each. We filter these solutions through the lens of the goal defined in step one, using the goal to weigh each pro and con.
In conclusion, iValue’s Gap Analysis Service is a straightforward, cost-effective, and customized approach to identify gaps in your IT process and Cyber Security. Our process helps organizations to understand the distance between where a particular item stands and where it

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