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Secure File Transfer

The world we live in today is a world of hackers and malcontents that are almost with regular ease breaking into and stealing or exposing sensitive and proprietary data. The struggle enterprises face is managing the risks of compromise and trust. While the “trust” or trusted device approach to access worked earlier, we now have a plethora of zero-day vulnerabilities that are specifically designed to misuse the device-trust. Hence, Zero Trust.  

While secure file transfer pertains to data sharing, it also pertains to the security protocols implemented to prevent unauthorised access and compromise of data integrity. The methods include forced zero-trust access, VPNs, Access Management tools such as Citrix and PulseSecure, and multi-factor authentication (MFA). 

Secure file transfer is referred to as a data-sharing protocol that uses security procedures and encryption to protect the data in transit. Most secure file transfer solutions implement conventional industry-standard protocols. Secure file transfer is essential in corporate environments as they handle personal files and sensitive data on a regular basis. Transferring business-critical data from point A to point B can be risky nowadays. Your users have to share files within your organization as well as among more extensive external networks. This type of file sharing needs to be secure, as well as in compliance with various industry mandates, such as HIPAA, SOX, the GDPR, and PCI DSS.

There are different technologies that offer secure data transfer but not all fit every company. Most secure file transfer methods use standard protocols like secure file transfer protocol (SFTP), file transfer protocol – Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), File Transfer Protocol – Secure (FTPS), Hypertext Transfer Protocol – Secure (HTTPS), Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), etc. These are effective in moving sensitive data securely, irrespective of file size, file transfer volume, or complexity. Each enterprise needs to identify the best solution according to their preferences on file transfer method and ease of functionality.

Secure File Transfer refers to data sharing using a safe and reliable delivery method. This confidential or proprietary data transmission via secure channel safeguards and protects the data in transit and at rest.


Adopting a secure file transfer solution is a critical decision for your organization. You need to evaluate your options based on features like security, compatibility, as well as control to determine the right solution for your organization.

A considerately secure file transfer solution can help your organization to move and share files more securely on-premises or across the cloud. It will encrypt the data in transit and at rest. You can also impose protection to avoid unauthorized modifications.

The right secure file transfer solution will provide robust authentication methods, virus scanning, and data loss prevention (DLP). Additionally, these will have efficient reporting and logging capabilities. Automation capabilities are a definite plus to ensure better accuracy and time-saving practices while eliminating the need for manual transfers.

Additionally, you will have to choose a solution that is compatible with all the other solutions and systems you are already using on a daily basis within your organization. Apart from these security and usability standards, the right SFT solution will also provide you with the necessary controls to give or revoke access to your users based on need.


iValue offers secure file transfer solutions that provide end-to-end encryption and help you keep your data safe in transit and at rest. We start by identifying all the data assets on your various systems to place the suitable policy settings. We also run regular audits on your files to keep them protected and remove defunct ones when identified.

We can secure your data and make file sharing among your users much easier with the right choice of tools. These solutions will lock down your files to prevent hacks while giving you the controls you need to ensure your users can still access and use the data.

Even when you are using file-sharing or cloud networks to simply back up your data and not necessarily share that data with other users, we can protect it and keep it safe from threats.

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