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Web Security

In general, web security is a protective procedure and protocol that different organizations adopt to secure themselves from cyber attacks and threats that use web channels to access the organization’s data. Web security is implemented through a security application or a tool that functions as a web proxy.

This application can be either an on-local or cloud-based hardware or software that is deployed within the user’s browser.

The primary purpose of web security is to avoid any security breach and reduces security risk to the organization if a user accidentally accesses a malicious file or website. A combination of firewall evaluation, intrusion prevention system (IPS) URL filtering along with other security solutions scan through the malicious file or website and act upon it according to the predefined policy.

So, what do you secure, as part of web application security?

  • Appplications: your applications are tested for the protocols, regulations and standards they need to comply with. Gaps are identified and the assessment report helps you fix the gaps and be rest assured of compliance. 
  • Infrastructure: Servers, databases, tools, APIs all have underlying infrastructrure, even if you’re using what they call serverless technology such as AWS Lambda – because you don’t have a “server” doesn’t mean it doesn’t have one – it’s only abstracted, so the abstracted layer still needs to be secured. 
  • Network: how your applications interact with other applications, storage environments, and users is what network security assessments look for. Apart from the standard batteries of tests for compliance with regulatory and industry-standards, we also need to look for new and emerging threats. Also in this list is testing out your perimeter defence mechanisms, firewals and spam filters. 

Another branch of web security testing is the level of segmentation that you have in your infrastructure. Read Vertical and horizontal segmentation which isolates critical systems from each other in the event of a security incident. 

To comply with different organizations’ requirements, specific tools and applications are adopted to meet the expected security level. The first line of security assessments is firewalls. Firewalls are designed to filter all the activities before reaching the web server and consist of rules implemented on website traffic to prevent a data breach.

The next feature in ensuring web security is the data backup policies. Every company has a particular procedure to keep a backup from the trafficking and in rest data in a safe and secure place. The backup can be initiated for a specific interval automatically or manually.

The next safety measure is through a password. Certain software, such as cPanel, offers a different level of password management.


The fundamental factors in a good web security solution are authentication, authorization, data protection, and nonrepudiation. Each element has several policies to secure your network and data and protect your workforce.

Authentication involves accepting credentials from entities and validating them against an authority. This applies to users and applications on the network. Authorization confirms a service requestor’s credentials by checking if the service requestor is entitled to operate.

Data protection secures data and privacy options associated with the web service request. It ensures that the service request and response are not compromised during processing. And nonrepudiation confirms that the message sender is the same as the message’s creator, not someone else’s.

Organizations have increasingly adopted work-from-home or work-on-the-go policies, so the threat to their computer networks has grown exponentially. They are now more exposed to cyber-attacks that cause data breaches, financial damage, or paralyze systems, making data unavailable.

To combat the rise of IoT botnets, crypto mining malware, and other emerging threats, web security solutions employ policies like URL filtering, anti-malware scanning, deploying network-level proxies, protocol validation, and more.


iValue offers web security solutions for your entire infrastructure that fits your requirement. Our solutions include complete and secure application controls in the web security space with a Strong Web Filtering Database and Strong Content Filtering features.

We provide web security solutions beyond activating spam filters and antivirus programs. Our offerings consist of tools that protect your network from malware infections, data breaches, and service disruptions. It protects the server, network, as well as your email system.

To implement network-wide security, our offerings may include advanced technologies like a web application firewall, next-generation firewall, etc. Proactive steps like vulnerability scanning, services for mitigation, and an enterprise recovery plan can also be incorporated in the event of any attacks.

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