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iValue Webinar Room, India 16/05/2020 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM

Dear Friends,

Amidst the coronavirus pandemic and current social distancing orders, some may feel a bit ‘lost’ without a set routine and schedule. This, coupled with feelings of loneliness, can significantly affect one’s ability to properly think.

The joke in the social media is that we have more webinars than Corona Virus!

Yes life has been touch being alone and constantly pounded by webinars coupled with anxiety around Covid impact on personal and professional life. It’s time for us to switch track and usher-in a webinar on Metal wellness to cope with all the above.

Like a welcome May shower, iValue InfoSolutions in collaboration with FourHats Consulting would invite you all for a distinctive session to help you lead the new normal with a webinar on Cerebral Wellness


  1. 11:00 AM – 11:10 AM – Key Note Address by Mr. Harsh Marwah, CGO – iValue InfoSolutions
  2. 11:10 AM – 12:30 PM – Managing the New Normal by Mr. K.S. Ramanand – FourHats Consulting
  3. 12:30 PM – 01:00 PM – Q&A Session

Warm Regards,
Team Marketing
iValue InfoSolutions


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