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About Us

iValue Infosolutions is the FASTEST growing, Leading-edge technology enabler with purpose-built Solution stacks & related services for securing & managing DIGITAL APPLICATIONS and DATA, of ENTERPRISES, across hybrid multi-cloud. iValue offerings address every need in Application Lifecycle Digital transformation – from code to cloud, covering Performance, Availability, Security and Scalability needs.

Through its acquisition of ASPL Info Systems, Partners can address 24*7 needs around SoC, NoC and ESM for their Customers managed services’ needs.

iValue cloud based CoE showcases 25+ integrated solutions stack across OEMs to facilitate risk-free technology adoption in double quick time for our Partners business growth.

iValue has direct presence across India, SAARC and Southeast Asia, with local teams covering business and technical needs of partners to address their customer needs across the regions.

We leverage our technology experience from our 6000+ customer engagements, and 14 years of business maturity to differentiate ourselves as a value aggregator and technology enabler. The depth of our experience, cuts across government services, banking, financial services, and insurance, telecom, retail, and manufacturing verticals. In turn, this experience allows us to provide high-quality consulting, enabling, and managed services to our customers across geographies.

Our History. Our Heritage

We started in 2008 as a value-added distributor for OEMs, providing customers with insights to make the right decisions. We soon transformed into a consulting services provider, offering solutions as a means to aggregating value while also crystalizing our value proposition. Adding management, maintenance, and optimization to our offering, we soon took our place as a value aggregator and enabler for our customers.

Today, we have operations across the Asia Pacific, Middle East, Europe, and the Americas, giving us a global reach with a local flavor. Our heritage stems from our founders – professionals with deep experience across service lines and verticals, the team at iValue, and our focus on technology-enabled value aggregation, which in turn comes from lean and agile operations with a nose for what’s new.

Making a mark on the new world

It is not the pandemic that has affected us. It is the realization that our world has changed. As much as business entities and governments have, from time immemorial, operated from headquarters and offices, our very reality has changed. Today, investment in technologies that allow anywhere-anytime-anyway access has gone from a “good to have” to a “bare necessity.”

At iValue, we have seen a consistent and concerted initiative across the marketplace to facilitate a paradigm shift in the way people connect professionally. From multi-device access to access from within and without the premises and geography, people want secure ease. While it’s an oxymoron in itself, businesses today are reckoning with the fact that their business users, customers, vendors, and technology principals want to access from where they are, in the way they want to, while also demanding data security and integrity.\

We facilitate that shift. We help you define the IT landscape for your business operations and help you build it, whether on a green field, brownfield, or as a third dimension to a mature IT estate.

A value aggregator and technology enabler

We are an organization focused on aggregating value for our customers, partners, technology principals, and the landscape. We endeavor to help our customers build effective IT-Enabled business operations that are resilient and agile, so they can function without disruption to business as usual, irrespective of changes in the environment.

Our Delivery Quality Obsession

As part of our obsessive delivery approach is our focus on Lean and Agile, which are not merely methodologies to us. They are our success factors. We keep our teams lean to drive skill and innovation.

Over the years, we have built up a robust and well-tested methodology for implementing the solutions we offer, based on lessons learned, both good and bad, and more importantly, three key processes:

    Turning information into knowledge
    Turning knowledge into insights
    Turning insights into innovations
Whether in the form of accelerators, reusable templates and wireframes, automation scripts, or documented Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), we save time, reduce risk, and accelerate time-to-value.

Regional Presence Global Operations

We are a family – a family tree of families, each related by one common goal – Customer Focus and Finesse. In each of the geographies we operate in, our people, processes, and technologies join hands to offer the best that the world of information technologies and connectivity offers. Our principal differentiator owing to our global operations with a regional focus allows us to help customers standardize their global operations, optimize their IT Operations with economies of scale and globalized operations management, and energize their business vision with an IT that does more than support business operations – an IT that leads business transformation.


At iValue, we always strive to be on the right side of law

Corporate Social Responsibility

Annual Returns

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